The secret society of supervillains
The secret society of supervillains

the secret society of supervillains

This incarnation was lead by Libra, who eventually used the team to bring about the attempted return of Darkseid. There, many of the villains formed groups that eventually became the next incarnation of the Society following their return to Earth. Following this, the villains were rounded up by Checkmate and exiled to the planet Salvation. This incarnation was largely disbanded by One Year Later. Using this core group as the leaders of Society, it expanded to well over 500 members, of whom the only super villain not invited was The Joker. who was posing as Lex Luthor, and consisted of Black Adam, Calculator, Deathstroke, Dr Psycho and Talia al Ghul. The next incarnation of the Society arose following the revelations of Identity Crisis. The Society continued to grow after this time, becoming a sprawling criminal organization. The Ultra-Humanite reformed the team in the early 1980s, recruiting Brainwave, Cheetah, Floronic Man, Killer Frost, Mist, The Monocle, Psycho-Pirate, Rag Doll and Signalman. This incarnation of the group was infiltrated by Captain Comet. While this team was in another dimension a new incarnation was formed by Mirror Master, consisting of Chronos, Copperhead, Killer Moth, Quakemaster,and Silver Ghost. The Wizard next took control, and the team consisted of Blockbuster, Floronic Man, Professor Zoom and Star Sapphire. He was replaced as leader by Gorilla Grodd, who oversaw the addition of Angle Man, Bizarro, Poison Ivy, Sinestro and Star Sapphire. After breaking from Darkseid they were joined by Funky Flashman, who recruited Captain Stingaree, Felix Faust, Matter Master, and The Trickster into their ranks. The very first incarnation of the Society was composed of Copperhead, Captain Boomerang, Captain Cold, Gorilla Grodd, Hi-Jack, Mirror Master, Shadow Thief, Sinestro, and The Wizard. The Secret Society of Super Villains first appeared in a 1976 self-titled series, created by Gerry Conway and Pablo Marcos. Initially unleashed against the world's superheroes, the members of the Society eventually turned on Darkseid and struck out on their own, intending to take over the world for themselves. The Secret Society of Super Villains was initially formed by Darkseid, who brought the original incarnation of the team together in an abortive plan to take over the world. In Justice League of America #3, Blockbuster and Signalman, both Society members, are seen attempting to recruit Catwoman. He then recruited Scarecrow into their ranks in Justice League of America #2. The leader of the Society then decided it was time to recruit and began making arrangements. This team was first mentioned at the end of Justice League #6, in which Professor Ivo is seen speaking to the leader about the superheroes, and he replies with "Then they'll call us super villains." It was alluded to once more in Justice League #14 in which Cheetah is shown speaking to someone about being contacted when Black Manta arrives. The Society is currently being formed by an unknown villain.

The secret society of supervillains