Service Centers: You can mail your watch into an authorized service center. Most often though you will have had to purchased your watch from them. This is a good service if you have a basic/common wrist watch. You go to the jewelry section and ask the person behind the counter if they perform the service.

Walmart: You might be surprised but some Walmart’s can change your battery for you. Other Alternatives for Watch Battery Replacemnet Near Me They don’t always advertise the service, but it’s worth asking because many will do it and only charge you for the battery and not for labor. You might be surprised, but the workers there normally have tools to open a watch and replace a battery. Watch Retail Stores: These stores can usually be found at a mall and they sell a few hundred different brands of watches. IF you have a rare or unique time piece this may be your best option for a battery swap out. They will carry a wide array of watch batteries and be very knowledge about almost all brands. Watch Repair Shops: These stores specialize in repair watches and battery replacement is an easy task for them on most watches. They often have a specialist on hand who has the tools to take your watch apart and replace the battery. Jewelry Stores: While these store are popular for selling rings, necklaces, and earrings, they also do minor work on men’s and women’s watches. There are typically three types of local stores that can replace a watch battery for you and chances are you will find one of these near you that can help. What Stores Provide Watch Battery Replacement Near Me?Ĭhanging the battery is one of the most routine requested repairs in the industry.